Save the date: we are waiting for you at Ecomondo Hall D6 - Stand 010
Ecomondo 2022: 8 – 11 November / Rimini Exhibition Center.
SRA Instruments participates in Ecomondo again this year. In particular, a larger space was chosen to accommodate the rich proposal of solutions suitable for different analysis needs:
- GC-MS measurement systems for the control of air, water and soils (VOC, SVOC, ODORS and MICROPLASTICS)
- Analysis and characterization of odors and olfactory nuisances through sensors based analyzers and olfactometers
- MicroGC solutions for online analysis of natural gas, biogas and biomethane
- Real-time monitoring of volatile organic and inorganic compounds.
The scientific presence of SRA will also be very important.
On November 8 at the Monitoring and Control Room it will be possible to meet the SRA Specialists at the following Conferences.
Conference “Odor emissions: from abatement technologies to new control strategies”:
11.20-11.30 – Oral presentation:
“Chemical analysis of odorous compounds by TD-GC-MS / FID / PFPD”
Elisa Polvara, Marzio Invernizzi, Selena Sironi, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” of the Milan Polytechnic – Daniele Morosini, SRA Instruments.
12.40-13.00 – Poster session:
EMC1-2: “Drone-based environmental monitoring laboratory” – Gianluca Stani, SRA Instruments
EMC1-3: “Continuous monitoring station for odor emissions and air quality” – Gianluca Stani, SRA Instruments.
Conference: “Indoor air quality: sources of emissions, air changes, energy efficiency and new technologies in control and monitoring”:
at 5.00 pm – Poster session:
EMC2-3: “Continuous analysis up to 12 parameters and evaluation of the transmissibility of Viruses” – Gianluca Stani, SRA Instruments.
We are waiting for you at Hall D6 – Stand 010
All the info on the fair: click here