Dear customer and partner,
Given the COVID-19 Pandemic that we are facing, our duty is to apply government regulations to guarantee the safety of our collaborators, customers and partners. At the same time, we must ensure optimal service continuity for those activities that are strategic to overcome the crisis.
The great majority of the SRA Instruments team is therefore teleworking to advise you, to answer your requests, to inform you about your orders…
We thank you to privilege the contacts by e-mail :
Admin team :
Support Service Team :
service@sra-instruments.com : 0 826 022 027
Sales Team :
j.dothal@sra-instruments.com : 06 81 84 18 84
or via the general address : info@sra-instruments.com.
Our workshop and our warehouse remain operational, supplies are assured and we do our utmost to also ensure deliveries as quickly as possible.
In case you can’t receive our goods, please write us in order we don’t ship your goods.
We thank you in advance for your understanding during this exceptional situation. We will keep you informed as the situation develops. Of course, we remain at your disposal for any questions you may have.
Take care of yourself and your relatives,
The SRA Instruments team