VUV Analytics VGA-100 and VGA-101

VUV Analytics VGA-100 and VGA-101 Analyzer

VUV Analytics has made possible using absorption spectroscopy in the Vacuum Ultraviolet region, a spectral region of great interest hitherto reserved to synchrotrons. In this region of the spectrum, in the range between 120 and 240 nm, many organic compounds exhibit a strong absorption due to electronic bond transitions prohibited at higher wavelengths typical of near ultraviolet and visible light. The photons associated to Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) present energy such as to induce electronic transitions in virtually all molecules involving the states σ → σ * and π → π * thus making even simple alkanes detectable. The ability to record a spectrum attributable to these electronic molecular transitions therefore allows us to uniquely recognize molecules and classes.
The gas chromatographic detectors VGA-100 and VGA-101 are universal detectors for gas chromatography operating in the region of Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) which allow to perform both qualitative and quantitative analyzes. The strong absorption of the gas phase molecules in the region of the Vacuum Ultraviolet spectrum provides good sensitivity. The absorption spectra are specific to each compound and provide unprecedented selectivity giving univocal identification of compounds in complex mixtures, including coeluted isomers.
The VGA-100 and VGA-101 detectors have a wide versatility. Many possible applications are possible, from petrochemical analysis to the identification of terpenes in natural extracts. For example, it is possible to study the composition and detect the different isomers of petrochemical intermediates in an industrial process. Furthermore, a VGA detector can find applications in the study of new green fuels or in natural origin raw material’s study for producing new classes of sustainable polymers. This versatile technology leads to have in your hand a powerful tool for your laboratory: one analyzer, multiple applications.
VUV VGA-100 and VGA-101 are compliance with ASTM D8071, ASTM D8267 e ASTM WK64297 methods. End 2020/begin 2021 will be release a new ASTM method dedicated to Diesel group speciation.
Principal features:
  • Extended wavelenght range (from 120 to 240/430 nm)
  • Heated cell and transferline up to 300/450°C
  • Fast sampling (75 Hz)
  • Great time resolution
  • No ionization occurring, no sample degradation
  • Calibration non necessary
  • Resolution of coeluted peaks
  • No vacuum pump
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