GasMix RACK 19″

Technology: Mixer Diluitors


GasMix™ fitting with rack mounted analyzers!


The preparation of standard calibration gases for mono and/or multipoint can now be retrieved on rack mounted analyzers through GMRack, the versatile gas-mixer diluter AlyTech.


  • Integrated computer – touch screen for easier control on site.
  • Remote Control by Ethernet via the classic version of the software.

Front USB:

  • Loading projects previously created by the software classic version.
  • Recovery of data or projects modified on GMRack.

The GMRack software enables either fully creating a sequence or changing parameters ( such as flow rate or total final concentration of an analyte) of a sequence previously created with the Aiolos software.

Applications :

  •  Online analyzers Calibration.
  • Analyzer validationpost-it jaune2
  • Automatic gas injector for GC
  • Creating a controlled atmosphere
  • Reactor continuous supply
  • Conditioning a line before analysis

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