Sample automation
The best technology available to increase analytical performance and productivity of GC / MS and LC / MS systems
- > LabWorks Platform Gerstel
- > MPS robotic
- > MFX (Multi Fiber eXchange) PAL RSI and PAL RTC systems
- > SDLE – SPME Dual Layer Extraction
- > Large Volume Headspace Thermal Bath
- > MPS WorkStation
- > MAESTRO Software
- > QuickMix
- > DHS Automated Dynamic Headspace
- > SBSE Twister
- > MPS MultiPurpose Sampler
- > Automated Solid Phase Extraction SPE
- > DPX Automated Disposable Pipette Extraction
- > ALEX Automated Liner EXchange
- > Thermal Desorption Unit TDU 2
- > TDU-Liner EXchange ATEX
- > Filtration
- > Multi Position Evaporation Station mVAP
Thermal desorbers
The best thermal desorbers for all application needs, from the monitoring of volatile compounds in the air to the analysis of semi-volatile compounds in materials. Versatility and productivity guaranteed by the different sampling systems and elimination of the risk of contamination
TGA interface
EGA, Evolved Gas Analyzer for TGA GC-MS: instrumental configurations dedicated to optimizing the determination of evolved gases from the TGA.
Purge & Trap
Innovative P&T instruments by EST Analytical increases productivity, reduces carryover and maximizes results.
Mixer Diluitors
Complete range of dynamic dilutors for the preparation of gaseous standards
Pyrolysis and accessories
The best products for all application needs, from research to routine checks.
Wide range of sampling systems for aqueous and organic solutions, online and offline dilution systems, water and oil preparation systems and spray systems