MyVap – LPG vaporizer

Technology: GC Injectors


MyVAP Automatic vaporizer for liquefied gases


Several methods use the Gas chromatography technique for determining the composition of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) after a sample expansion. The LPG vaporization is often source of errors and bias. Obtain a representative vapor sample from a pressurized liquefied gas is challenging and difficult to handling. Many procedures are used in laboratories to quantitatively expand LPG samples from a liquid phase to a homogeneous gas phase prior to analysis. Most of them are off-line methods, not safe for operators and environment, user-sensitive, causing lack of reproducibility and repeatability on analysis results. SRA Instruments developed an automated and user-independent LPG Vaporizer to handle under control the critical step of LPG phase change.

The heart of MyVap system is the accurate control of the expansion pressure and temperature in a heated reservoir. The vaporization cycle can be programmed easily by the MyVap embedded Web interface.

Before injection, the vapor is delivered to the GC at a selected pressure; the GC is automatically started by the vaporizer with external start event. The system cleaning before and after the expansion is automatically operated by a vacuum pump controlled by a micro-processor and a pressure sensor.

All operations are fully automated through electrovalves and controlled by dedicated Web software. The MyVap is manufactured with high-quality components and stainless steel, includes safe connections and relief valve for safe operation. To provide an homogeneous LPG sample to the Gas Sampling Valve of your GC, just connect your LPG sample cylinder in the MyVap holder, open the liquid purge valve for few seconds and press the green light button on the front panel. The SRA MyVap does the rest for you, safely and start your GC.

The embedded software developed by SRA Instruments is extending the MyVAP capability, including all the features for safety, remote management and start GC. Software free, this allows you to start your vaporizer with a simple Web-browser.

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