
Technology: Autosamplers

Teledyne Leema​n Labs

Teledyne CETAC Technologies Automation division emerged in response to the growing requests of customers for automation products that varied in size, speed, and capabilities. CETAC Automation provides immediate solutions to the various challenges typical in laboratory environments with a variety of products and accessories including autodilutors, liquid handling stations, and anti-contamination enclosures.


SDX-HPLD High Performance Liquid Dilution

An innovative spin on proven technology

The SDX HPLD system combines the proven ASX-560 autosampler with a novel vortex mixing dilution accessory. The SDX makes use of a high precision syringe pump for both aliquot and diluent, but goes an additional step to vortex mix the resulting dilution prior to sample introduction to ICP and ICP-MS.

The SDX employs vortex mixing to promote homogenization of a sample to ensure accurate and precise analysis following dilution. The variety of sample matrices submitted for trace element analysis necessitates the need for mixing. This capability is long overdue, and should only improve data quality by fully homogenizing a dilution mixture rather than in-line combination.


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